How, when and why is it good to use the sauna?
A lot has been written about the sauna and maybe you do not expect to learn something new. The truth is, however, that like many procedures, it has its specifics too – how long should it be used in the beginning, or when it should not be used at all.
To begin with, a sauna is a kind of dry bath using strong heat to remove the toxins from the body. People in good health, who have already used this method, can take a sauna every day for a week. However, beginners should start with a short stay of several minutes to check the effect of heat on them.
Cold water showers are recommended after a sauna to recover the tone of blood vessels. The abrupt temperature change helps for this and also refreshes and cleanses the skin from toxins. As a result the immunity is boosted and people with chronic bronchitis and asthma experience strong positive effect.
Sauna speeds up the restoration processes in the organism. Taking a sauna regularly has a positive effect on joint pain and helps with osteophytes as it improves the work of muscles. Raising the body temperature improves blood circulation and the natural healing process going on in our bodies.
It is very important that people using the hot room take in a lot of liquids before and after the procedure. If you have cardiovascular diseases you must consult your doctor in advance. It is not advisable to stay in a sauna if you have fever, bleeding wounds, suppuration or an oncological disease. It is not recommended to pregnant women, very old people or children either.
The sauna has proved its strong positive effect on organism. If you cannot be placed in the list of contraindications, take advantage of its healing power!