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Simeon Kostov – Applied Kinesiology or Early Diagnosis of Degenerative Processes

Applied Kinesiology – an effective method for early diagnosis of degenerative processes through muscle tone testing.

“Medika Narechen” offers Summer specials on health packages suitable for the prevention and treatment of various conditions

Simeon Kostov has a master’s degree in Rehabilitation, Wellness, SPA, and Balneotherapy. Since 2011, he has been part of the Medical Center at Balneocomplex “Medika Narechen”, and since 2016 he has been its chief rehabilitator. Simeon Kostov has numerous additional qualifications, the latest being related to the application of the following methods and techniques: deep oscillation, Tecar therapy, applied kinesiology, and sclerotomic stabilization.

At MC “Medika Expert” – Narechenski Bani branch, you apply so-called applied kinesiology. What does this method involve?

Applied kinesiology is a method of alternative medicine that serves for diagnosis and treatment, using muscle tests. The practitioner of applied kinesiology identifies an imbalance in a particular muscle and then seeks to understand why it is not functioning properly.

The method views health as a triangle – each side represents respectively the structural, biochemical, and psychological part of the human body. If the three sides of the triangle are equal, the person is in harmony and excellent health.

The structural part is the connection and interaction between muscles, bones, nerves, joints, tendons, and the spine. The biochemical part focuses on the patient’s biochemistry and accordingly on their diet and nutritional regimen. The psychological part is crucial, as many psychological problems are due to a physiological cause and vice versa.

How is diagnosis made based on these 3 sides?

The main muscles in the human body are connected to specific organs, bones, meridians, and spinal vertebrae. Diagnosing a health problem is done by determining the degree of muscle tone. This muscle tone provides unique information about the patient’s condition.

Muscle testing is done manually, using various provocative stimuli (pressure, stretching, vibration, heat, cold, and many others). Muscle testing allows not only to determine the muscle tone but also to identify the reason for its change. When the cause is known, the methods of work can be selected precisely and individually.

The etymology of the word kinesiology indicates that it is the science of body movement /from Greek kinesis – movement and logos – science/. So, are we talking about science?

Yes, it is. Applied kinesiology was established by the American chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart based on his observations of the condition of muscles responsible for specific organs. As a result, he concluded that different muscle tones are related to the condition of the organism.

Later, together with other colleagues from the USA, he scientifically proved that in various diseases, the human body responds with changes in muscle excitability and disturbances in body movements. The widely known method Active Sitting is also based on applied kinesiology, but at Medika Narechen, we rely on an individual approach to each patient when applying the techniques.

For what complaints and diseases is applied kinesiology most commonly used at “Medika Narechen”?

At “Medika Narechen”, we most commonly apply it to people with knee and hip joint problems. They exhibit changes in gait and corresponding muscle imbalances. Our goal is to intervene early in the degenerative processes to prevent pathological changes or delay their onset.

With this method, we restore postural balance, correct gait, and the range of motion in the hip joints. Many people suffer from spinal problems. The methods of applied kinesiology can help identify the priority area that needs to be addressed to eliminate the causes of discomfort.

Emotional problems are an integral part of our existence. From Chinese medicine, we know that fear is connected with the kidneys, anger with the liver, sadness with the large intestine, and so on.

Such an emotion, if held and unprocessed, can affect the condition of the specific organ related to it. Here, too, applied kinesiology has its application. Once a problem is identified, we check which homeopathic remedies, colors, aromas, and others can help a person release emotional problems before they develop into a disease.

It turns out that this technique works perfectly as prevention and has a preventive character. To what extent can an already developed disease be influenced?

Techniques of applied kinesiology allow for the early detection and removal of problems, even before symptoms like pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion appear. If pain has already appeared, it means dysfunctions have been present in the body for over 30 days. The earlier recovery begins with a disease, the quicker and more favorable the effect on the patient will be.

Many people seek specialists when they already have a problem. It is far better to pay attention to primary prevention, for example: regular physical activity, at least 6000 steps daily, and eating healthy.

At the Medical Center, we also apply biometric sclerotomic stabilization (biometric kinesiology), which is a branch of applied kinesiology, created by Dr. Sergey Molotkov. The practitioner acts on the sclerotomic tissue (periosteum, cartilage, tendons), reflexively activating the somatic and autonomic nervous systems and removing disturbances in the sensorimotor control of the central nervous system.

The diagnostic process allows identifying the primary causes that provoke the appearance of functional disorders, and subsequently disease.

Which procedures are most suitable for treating the musculoskeletal system, neurological diseases, and various types of pain?

In the field of physiotherapy for pain treatment, we have very effective devices: High-Intensity Magnet and Tecar Therapy. The high-intensity magnet generates a magnetic field about 600 times stronger than the standard, allowing deep penetration and maximum effectiveness. Tecar therapy delivers high-frequency energy to the affected tissues, relieving pain, increasing blood circulation and oxygenation of tissues, and reducing swelling and joint inflammation.

For dispersing calcifications, in cases of osteoarthritis, tennis elbow, muscle strains, and carpal tunnel syndrome, we use a Shock Wave Therapy device. Kinesiotherapy is a suitable method for almost all types of diseases because it relies on movement – active when the patient participates and passive when the kinesiotherapist moves the patient. This rehabilitation technique is suitable for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, after surgeries and fractures, as well as for spinal pain syndromes, post-stroke, and post-heart attack conditions.

Laser therapy also has wide application because it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects, and stimulates the immune system.

Which procedures are most in demand during the summer at the Medical Center of “Medika Narechen”?

Summer is one of the best seasons for taking care of the body’s good appearance, especially since during the rest of the time we are always in a hurry and cannot dedicate enough time to maintenance procedures.

It is useful to start with detoxification. Reverse electrophoresis is an ideal way to do this. At the same time, we offer various procedures for reducing fat deposits. The pressotherapy device provides excellent lymphatic drainage, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, thereby accelerating metabolism, eliminating toxins, reducing swelling, and removing cellulite.

The deep oscillation also has an anti-cellulite effect. In addition, it refreshes the complexion and smoothes wrinkles. It contributes to quicker recovery after using various methods of aesthetic medicine, in cases of swelling, postoperative conditions, and injuries. Its beneficial effect is due to biologically effective oscillations in the treated tissue, created by an electrostatic field. Unlike the action mode of other therapies, here the oscillations have a gentle, pleasant, and impactful effect on all tissues (connective and subcutaneous adipose tissue, muscles, skin, blood, and lymph vessels).

Anti-cellulite therapies can also be supported by an anti-cellulite massage, which can be applied independently. The massage helps to remove fats in the subcutaneous layer, increases blood supply, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells, and disperses lymph. Special massage techniques are applied with essential oils, in a beautiful and calm environment, which additionally provides clients with pleasant experiences.

Also very effective is Maderotherapy – a technique for performing intensive massage with the help of several wooden tools of different shapes and sizes, designed to adapt to the figure. The procedure has both health and cosmetic effects.

At the balneocomplex, we offer many other procedures, both for prevention and treatment. For the current season, we have interesting promotional offers for people with different needs, preferences, and possibilities.

Mention some of them?

Our latest two promotional packages are called “Summer without Pain” and “Burnout”. The first includes physioprocedures that can relieve chronic and other types of pain, including neurological. The second is aimed at working people, mainly those engaged in mental labor

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